Seriously, tell me about yourself. No, not the PR version I could easily find in just a few clicks, but the story you want to tell. The story behind your story, if you will.

You don’t believe your real story is worth telling? Think again, because as Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

Or if you’re like most people I know, myself included, every time you sit down to write that book, publish that article, or record that podcast, you can’t seem to get the wording right? So much pressure!

What if, instead, you were simply recounting the good (and the bad) old days with a close friend? I bet the words will flow more freely!

And what if I told you, I could be that friend for you? All you have to do is Talk to Me!

I’ll be listening, asking questions when appropriate, and recording our conversation so that afterward I can:

  • Write a few long articles for you to share on your blog, email list, etc.
  • Create a few short posts for your social media
  • Generate a few topics for you to expand on during the next interview

The goal is to get you talking freely, without worrying about perfection because I’ll take care of the actual creation part.

Think about the time and frustration it would cost you if you were to get your stories publish-ready yourself.

Versus if you were to simply commit to two (2) 60-minute calls each month, knowing that you’ll have published at least five (5) such stories that month. For only $1,100 a month.

Don’t agonize yourself over your untold stories any longer. Come Talk to Me today!