It’s National #AwkwardMomentsDay and I couldn’t find an actual awkward picture of myself to post.
So @bitmoji me is here to save the day, with an awkward moment I’ve never shared with anyone before.
It happened in 9th grade history class. The assignment was to prepare persuasive speeches for/against some historical figures.
We could either create a video or give a live speech. Like each of my classmates, I too started preparing my video script.
But then I talked myself out of it because I didn’t have a way to record narration. The best I could do is add background music and subtitles to my slides.
I wondered if that’ll be enough though, because there’d be a winner for the most persuasive speech. And several classmates were already talking about how awesome their video will be with the cool narration and other effects.
I was the only one who ended up doing a live speech, no notes allowed, and then…I froze.
After what felt like an eternity, the teacher finally asked if I was finished.
I didn’t want to be up there any longer so I just made my conclusive statement and walked back to my seat, convinced that everyone would remember this embarrassing moment forever as I was one of the last presenters.
No, no one mocked me about it later, but I wonder if they still remember. Especially Mr. Anderson who has taught three of my younger cousins as well.
*deep breaths*
👇 What do you consider your most awkward moment?
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