Which Book Generation Do You Belong To?

Just like there are Baby Boomers, Gen X/Y/Z, Millennials, etc., I think we also identify with a certain book generation.

When I was in 9th grade, I was part of my high school’s book club. The club president, a 12th grader at the time, was a Twilight fan. A few others were Harry Potter fans.

It seemed like every book lover identified with one book or the other 🤓

Not me. For I belong to the ✊Hunger Games 🔥 generation. And that is what we talked about in most of 9th grade and part of 10th grade.

I haven’t read a good fiction book recently, but my mind wonders:

❓Do the book generations actually exist or are they just in my head?

❓If so, which book generation do you belong too?

❓Does this concept also apply to non-fiction/business books?

❓What are your currently reading?

What do you think? 👇💭

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